IRP Research Grant

IRP invites researchers active in the field of basic or clinical research on CNS Regeneration, Neuroprotection and functional restoration with special emphasis to the spinal cord to submit their application for an IRP Research Grant.

Next deadline: December 20, 2023.

Funds will be allocated up to 150,000 Swiss Francs for two years on the basis of scientific quality and relevance to paraplegia for research proposals studying mechanisms of injury and repair, as well as long term recovery.

IRP finances research projects regardless of the nationality of the researcher but applications for IRP Research Grants are considered only for projects that are realized in Europe.

Research projects may address all aspects of CNS and spinal cord lesions, nerve regeneration, trophic support of lesioned neurons, and functional changes induced by lesions, preferentially in mammals. Clinical research projects can be situated in the fields of diagnosis, acute lesion management including surgery, neurology, urology, rehabilitation, and other areas related to paraplegia.

Research projects submitted for an IRP Research Grant undergo a rigorous selection process by the IRP Scientific Committee, focused on criteria of excellence.

The Grant doesn’t cover additional overhead costs.

Applications from Junior groups are welcome.

Contenu d’accordéon

Each year the international experts of the IRP Scientific Committee evaluate a considerable number of research projects based on strict criteria to ensure an objective and rigorous selection. Their goal is to favor quality and excellence to retain only the very best proposals, as much for the degree of scientific interest proposed, as for the quality of the programme of implementation.

International reputation

The value and scope of a researcher’s work is measured by the number, quality and relevance of his/her scientific contributions (articles published in specialized journals, or presentations at scientific congresses).

Originality of the methodology

To be admissible, all projects submitted must include a clear description of the methods to be adopted (conservative approach or an innovative, creative concept), so that its feasibility can be assessed. The researcher must verify that, based on the planned methodology, his/her approach will deliver answers to the questions posed.

Clinical interest

Basic research should not be disconnected from reality. The proposed projects must be relevant to the clinical situation caused by lesions of the spinal cord or the brain, and their outcomes must clearly contribute to a better understanding of paraplegia and lesions of the brain.

Overall evaluation

An assessment of how the project is presented, described and of the motivation behind it: the logic of the planned experiments and the likelihood of obtaining applicable results, a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying lesions of the brain and of the spinal cord, and thus of developing new therapeutic techniques.


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