Comprising international experts from the field of neurosciences, the IRP’s Scientific Committee is an independent body that selects, with complete impartiality, the research projects that will be funded by IRP.
A simple but rigorous selection process, guaranty of excellence
Researchers from all around the world are invited by IRP to submit their application for an IRP Research Grant or an IRP Postdoctoral Fellowship by 31 October each year via the website.
After the applications have been validated (around 50 a year), members of the Scientific Committee allocate the documents received by speciality for initial examination.
The Scientific Committee meets at the end of January in Zurich, Switzerland, and considers each application before awarding it a score.
Based on the budget allocated by the IRP Foundation Board, the Scientific Committee selects between 7 and 10 new and outstanding fundamental and clinical research projects to receive funding.
Prof. James Fawcett, Président
Honorary Professor, University of Cambridge and King’s College Cambridge, Cambridge, Grande-Bretagne
Prof. Dr. Armin Curt, Vice-chairman
Former Director of Center for Paraplegia, Universitätsklinik Balgrist, Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Bradbury, Member
Senior Fellow MRC, Kings College, London, Great Britain
PD Dr. Florence Bareyre Membre
PD Dr. Florence BareyreMembre
Institute of Clinical Neuroimmunology, LMU University Hospital, Munich, Allemagne
Prof. Hatice Kumru Can, Membre
Spécialiste en neurologie, Guttmann Neurorehabilitation Hospital, Badalona, Espagne
Prof. Christian Lüscher, Member
Director of Département des neurosciences fondamentales, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Uelil Suter
Professor of Cell biology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Catherine Jutzeler Membre
ETH Zurich, Dep. of Health Sciences and Technology, Zurich, Suisse