Supported projects
Since its creation, IRP has financed more than 220 basic and clinical research projects for about 32 million Swiss francs.
In order to bring practical responses to meet patients’ immediate needs, IRP makes a point of supporting translational research which enables laboratory results (fundamental research) to be converted into clinical trials.
IRP Research Grants : funding of up to 150,000 Swiss francs for fundamental and clinical research projects over 2 years
IRP Post doctoral Fellowship : funding of up to 80,000 Swiss francs per year, up to 2 years, for a young Swiss researcher wanting to study overseas or a young overseas researcher wanting to pursue their academic career in Switzerland.
IRP Schellenberg Research Prize : 100,000 Swiss francs awarded every 2 years to one or more researchers whose work stands out for its quality, new approach and the benefit of the results.
IRP Chair Professor Alain Rossier at the University of Geneva created in 2007 within the Department of Fundamental Neurosciences. Support of Professors’ Anthony Holtmaat and Daniel Huber project.
STIMO Project: Stimulation of the spinal cord in paraplegic patients.
Support of Professors’ Jocelyne Bloch (CHUV) and Grégoire Courtine (Campus Biotech/EPFL) project.
All IRP funding is contractual and requires researchers to report on their work and the results achieved.
Support IRP
We need your help to translate the progresses of research into a positive reality for patients.